Review: An Act of Devotion by A.M. Leibowitz
An Act of Devotion, written by A.M. Leibowitz is an adorable queer romance starring two bisexual disasters I couldn’t be happier. Characters : Adam and Aj are two unapologetically bi fellas and it’s awesome . Queer spaces are still very inhospitable to bisexual people, so it was so refreshing to see both main characters boldly stand in this space. The fact they are both grad students is personally gratifying as I’m tired of queer folks being displayed as these sexual deviants that only pursue the most liberal of arts. It’s almost like people are three-dimensional. Who knew? Adam is a snarky, horny boy that’s a little too confident in the wrong things for his own good. Naturally, I instantly identified with him. What I enjoy about Adam the most is that he is willing to admit to his mistakes and try to make them right. Many characters in the “I’m sexy and I know it” camp come with almost an absurd amount of denial when it comes to their own fuck ups. It is quickly establ...